green grass field

Lawn Care Services:

At Cincy Scapes LLC, we offer a comprehensive range of lawn care services tailored to meet all your needs. Our options include weekly mowing to keep your lawn looking pristine, customized fertilizer treatment programs for optimal growth and health, as well as aeration services to improve soil structure and promote root development. Additionally, we provide over-seeding to fill in bare patches and ensure a lush, green lawn all year round.

Weekly Mowing

Weekly mowing services including trimming, edging, and blowing clippings from hard surfaces. The first step in a healthy lawn and beautiful curb appeal.

Fertilizer Treatments & Programs

Our lawn fertilizer treatments provide tailored nourishment to promote healthy growth and vibrant greenery, ensuring your lawn thrives throughout the seasons.

green and black lawnmower on green grass
green and black lawnmower on green grass

Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots, promoting healthier and stronger turf.


Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seeds over an existing lawn to fill in thin or bare areas, resulting in a denser, lusher turf and improved overall appearance.